To see information about our Senior Pastor search, go to The Next Chapter.


How Do I Sign Up for Compass?

Compass Honduras 2020 was canceled.

Compass 2021 TBD


What is Compass?

Compass is the summer short-term evangelism trip for youth students. It is a one week trip to serve in another city or another country.


Who can go on Compass?

Compass is for those entering or continuing in high school. Any 8th-11th grader can apply. We encourage all students to go to Honduras before graduation!


Where is Compass Going in 2021?

Compass has gone to La Paz, Honduras for the past few years to serve a church plant that we helped to fund and sponsor through Compassion International. Future Compass trips are TBD due to the COVID-19 Pandemic.


How Can I Support Compass?

A short-term team does not go alone but with the support of the church body. You can partner with us by praying and giving


How Can I Get More Information?

For more information, please look at our Compass Honduras 2020 Information Sheet and our Compass Honduras 2020 FAQs.