To see information about our Senior Pastor search, go to The Next Chapter.

The Next Chapter (16x9)

updated September 8, 2024

On November 2023, Pastor Steve and the Elders announced that Living Hope would be entering a season of transition. Pastor Steve stepped down from the role of senior pastor on August 31, 2024. 


The Search

 Senior Pastor Search

 Agora Search Group has begun the search for our new senior pastor. Please look here for the Opportunity Profile. Please forward the link to those who may be interested or suggest names to our search firm for those whom you may think may be a good fit.


If you would like to refer a potential candidate, you may do so by emailing Rob Lauer ( Referrals sent to Rob's email must include the following:

  • Subject: LHCC Pastor Referral (Please do not put pastors name and subject line)
  • Email content must include…
  • Full name of the person sending Agora the name of the pastor
  • The name of the pastor and current church
  • The full context in which the referring person knows the pastor or the relationship they have with the pastor
  • Cell number and/or personal email of the pastor (due to confidentiality, voicemails will not be left on church voicemail and emails will not be sent to church email addresses). Pastors who are referred without a cell and/or email may not be contacted by AGORA
  • Although optional, it is helpful for the referring person to share why they believe the candidate is a good fit for LHCC

The Next Chapter Timetable

LHCC Next Chapter Timetable

Pray with us


We will offer two monthly prayer opportunities during this time of transition: every 4th Sunday of the Month, 8:30 AM in the teaching room (second floor) and 11 AM in the main sanctuary (first floor, by the stairs). These meetings are in addition to the monthly Prayer Chapel (first Tuesday nights). Please come gather to pray for the next chapter of Living Hope!


Please pray for the Prayer Team, Search Team, and Transition Team as they assist our Elder Board and our congregation during our transition process.

LHCC Next Chapter Teams


Frequently Asked Questions

Question: Why is Pastor Steve stepping down?

Pastor Steve submitted his resignation letter to the elders in the Spring of 2024. He is not stepping down for any moral, medical, or relational reasons. Pastor Steve felt that he could serve the broader church better by allowing space for a new leader to step in and for him to pursue his calling to serve churches and pastors. We agreed as elders.

Question: What will Pastor Steve do after his transition?

About six month after the announcement, SOLA Network has requested Pastor Steve to serve as the staff president of SOLA Network where he will help influence the emerging generation of Asian Americans with the gospel of Jesus Christ. He will also personally consult churches, meet with pastor cohorts, and find other avenues to help churches and church leaders. Because he is committed to the local church, he will also continue to engage in a local church in a more regular way if called. 

Question: How long will the transition process take place?

We hope that God will lead us to our next leader within a year.


Question: Who will choose the next pastor?

The pastoral search officially started on Tuesday, May 12th, 2024. We have retained the services of a search firm (Agora) that will help our Search Team vet the candidates. The final candidate will be nominated by the Elder Board to the congregation. Per our bylaws, our next senior pastor must obtain 2/3 positive affirmation vote from the congregation. Thus, the final decision sits with the members of Living Hope.

Question: How can I suggest a potential candidate?

If you would like to refer a potential candidate, you may do so by emailing Rob Lauer (

Please do not contact our elders, members of the search team, or pastoral staff with specific potential candidates.

Referrals sent to Rob's email must include the following:

  • Subject: LHCC Pastor Referral (Please do not put pastors name and subject line)
  • Email content must include…
  • Full name of the person sending Agora the name of the pastor
  • The name of the pastor and current church
  • The full context in which the referring person knows the pastor or the relationship they have with the pastor
  • Cell number and/or personal email of the pastor (due to confidentiality, voicemails will not be left on church voicemail and emails will not be sent to church email addresses). Pastors who are referred without a cell and/or email may not be contacted by AGORA
  • Although optional, it is helpful for the referring person to share why they believe the candidate is a good fit for LHCC

Question: How can members share opinions or thoughts during this process?

Please feel free to approach any of the elders with questions or thoughts. You may also email any one of us. Some responses may take some time, as thoughts and action plans are being developed.

Question: What will happen to the rest of the staff, elders, and deacons after the new senior pastor starts?

We anticipate that our leaders will keep serving our church and mission into the future.

Question: Will we join a denomination with the new senior pastor?

We are a non-denominational church at this time. We anticipate that this will continue into the foreseeable future.

Question: How can we contact Pastor Steve Chang after August 31, 2024?

You can contact Pastor Steve on his personal email address (